If you’re a freelance writer, or even if you just write regularly as a hobby, then chances are you’ve struggled at one point or another to keep to a writing schedule. It’s not easy, especially when so many other things compete for your attention.

But the truth is, sticking to a writing schedule is vital if you want to be successful. It can mean the difference between getting published and having your work ignored or making a living from your writing and just scraping by. So, how do you stick to a writing schedule? Here, I’ve detailed 10 tips to help you.

1.    Set realistic goals

A person writing a list of goals with boxes next to each one ready to be checked off when the tasks are done

The first step to sticking to a writing schedule is setting realistic goals. If you’re writing for a living, you need to be realistic about how much you can write in a day or week. Don’t try to set an impossible goal or you’ll only feel frustrated and discouraged.

2.    Make a plan and stick to it

Once you understand what you can realistically write or create in a day or week, it’s time to plan. Decide which days or times you’re going to sit down and write, and then stick to that plan as best as you can. Of course, there will be days when things come up and you can’t stick to your schedule perfectly; however, if you have a plan, it will be easier to get back on track.

3.    Set aside a dedicated writing space

A truly effective way to make sure you stick to your writing schedule is to set aside a dedicated writing space. Your writing space may be a specific room in your home or just a corner of your bedroom or living room. Having a dedicated space will help you to get into the right mindset for writing and make it easier to sit down and get started.

4.    Get rid of distractions

When you’re trying to stick to a writing schedule, it’s important to eliminate any distractions that might prevent you from getting your work done. That means turning off your phone, putting away any non-essential items and closing any tabs on your computer that are unrelated to your writing.

5.    Take breaks

Taking breaks when you’re writing is absolutely vital, both to prevent burnout and to give yourself time to think about what you’re writing. But try not to get too sidetracked during your breaks — set a timer if you need to and then get back to work when it goes off.

6.    Set a word count goal

One way to make sure you stick to your writing schedule is to set a word count goal for each session. Goals help you to stay focused and ensure that you get a certain amount of work done each day or week.

7.    Use a timer

A timer on a desk

Another way to stay on track with your writing schedule is to use a timer. This can help you to stay focused and prevent you from getting sidetracked.

8.    Get an accountability partner

If you’re struggling to stick to your writing schedule, consider getting an accountability partner. This could be a friend or family member who checks in on you regularly or even just someone who you exchange an email with once a week — having someone to keep you accountable can be a big help.

9.    Join a writing group

Joining a writing group can also be helpful if you’re trying to stick to a writing schedule. These groups provide support and motivation and can be great places to get feedback on your work.

10.          Reward yourself

Finally, be sure to reward yourself when you stick to your writing schedule. This could be something as simple as taking a break to read or watch TV or treating yourself to a new book or film. Whatever it is, make sure it’s something that you’ll enjoy — this will help you to stay motivated and keep up the good work.

Sticking to a writing schedule can be tough but it’s worth it if you want to be successful. By following these tips, you’ll be on your way to becoming a more productive and successful writer.

Do you sometimes find it hard to stick to your writing schedule? What solutions do you find work best for you when trying to get back on track?

Image credits

Main image: Anete Lusina on Pexels. Second image: Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash. Third image: Ralph Hutter on Unsplash.

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